Reservoir Mounting for R32 PS Kits:
Use the supplied Reservoir and Type 3 Mounting Bracket to mount to the front corner of the engine bay, behind the core support on the side of the engine bay that the PS Pump is installed to. Included in the threaded holes of the Reservoir, use the 2x M8 bolts to attach the Reservoir to the Mounting Bracket. Then mount the bracket to the area behind the headlight using self-sourced hardware. It is always wise to test fit lines 100% before drilling holes/installing rivnuts for mounting.
See picture below!
Power Steering Kit Installation Instructions:
If you have a Power Steering Cooler version of any of these Power Steering Kits, scroll to the bottom of the page for that portion of your installation!
AWD or GTR R32 Skyline (CB-R32-PSKGTR)
Before installing any portion of the kit, we will start by removing the factory Pump Feed Adapter from the OE Power Steering Pump. Remove bolts holding on the barb adapter and the o-ring located beneath it. If you have a HICAS pump, you can de-power the rear section of pump and block off the inlet. We do not provide this, as we always recommend switching to a non HICAS pump for RB Power Steering Kits.
The Chase Bays Pump Feed Adapter comes with a fitting and o-ring - place the fitting onto the pump sealing surface with the provided o-ring on the surface groove. Install the Pump Feed Adapter onto the inlet hole of the pump, then use the stock bolts to attach the bracket portion to the pump from the OE mounting location of the pre-existing barb.
1. The first line in the kit will be the Pump Feed line. This line will be the largest in diameter and should be about 13" long. You will connect the 90 degree fitting to the larger of the two fittings on the bottom of the reservoir, and the other end of the line will attach to the Pump Feed Adapter.
2. Next, will be the High Pressure line. This line will be shiny compared to the rest and will have the Chase Bays logo on it. You will connect the end with the 90 degree fitting on it to the pump using the supplied 16mm crush washer adapter fitting. That adapter needs to be connected directly to the pump, not the OE banjo adapter. The straight end of that line will be connected to the High Pressure Port on the steering rack using the supplied 90 degree adapter fitting and 14mm o-ring fitting. Make sure not to over-tighten this fitting, as the seal comes from the compression of the o-ring - not the seal of the aluminum fitting into the rack port.
The line routing for the High Pressure Line (previous step) and Low Pressure Line(s) (next step) will be imperative to properly avoiding hot areas of the bay. The High Pressure Line will route down from the pump, as shown previously, then along the front side of the subframe. The lines will then go between the engine mount and the port side of the rack, and attach to the rack ports once passed through the gap of the subframe. If your rack is moved forward, you will route your lines around the far side (from the pump) of the engine mount entirely. Shown below is an example of this routing.
3. The last line will be the rack to reservoir return line. This line should be about 60" long, with a 90 degree fitting at each end. You will connect the 90 degree non-swivel end to the low pressure port on the rack using the supplied 16mm o-ring adapter fitting. Make sure not to over-tighten this fitting, as the seal comes from the compression of the o-ring - not the seal of the aluminum fitting into the rack port. The swivel end will then be connected to the smaller fitting on the bottom of the Power Steering Reservoir. Route this line along the same path as the High Pressure Line.
4. Once you have everything plumbed you will need to bleed the system. This is accomplished by jacking up the front of the vehicle so that the front wheels are not making contact with the ground. Fill the Reservoir halfway full with the fluid of your choice and go ahead and start the vehicle. Turn the steering wheel from lock to lock for 5-10 minutes or until there are no bubbles visible in the reservoir. Make sure to keep an eye on the fluid level and top it off as needed during the bleeding process, keeping the Reservoir half full.
The last step is to put the car back on the ground and take it for a drive long enough to get the power steering fluid up to operating temperature. Then park the vehicle and allow it to cool back to ambient temperature. This will bleed off any residual air that may be in the system.
RWD or GTS R32 Skyline (CB-R32-PSKGTS)
Before installing any portion of the kit, we will start by removing the factory Pump Feed Adapter from the OE Power Steering Pump. Remove bolts holding on the barb adapter and the o-ring located beneath it. If you have a HICAS pump, you can de-power the rear section of pump and block off the inlet. We do not provide this, as we always recommend switching to a non HICAS pump for RB Power Steering Kits.
The Chase Bays Pump Feed Adapter comes with a fitting and o-ring - place the fitting onto the pump sealing surface with the provided o-ring on the surface groove. Install the Pump Feed Adapter onto the inlet hole of the pump, then use the stock bolts to attach the bracket portion to the pump from the OE mounting location of the pre-existing barb.
1. The first line in the kit will be the Pump Feed line. This line will be the largest in diameter and should be about 13" long. You will connect the 90 degree fitting to the larger of the two fittings on the bottom of the reservoir, and the other end of the line will attach to the Pump Feed Adapter.
2. Next, will be the High Pressure line. This line will be shiny compared to the rest and will have the Chase Bays logo on it. You will connect the end with the 90 degree fitting on it to the pump using the supplied 16mm crush washer adapter fitting. That adapter needs to be connected directly to the pump, not the OE banjo adapter. The straight end of that line will be connected to the High Pressure Port on the steering rack using the supplied 90 degree adapter fitting and 14mm crush washer sealing fitting. Tighten the crush washer fitting into the rack, install the 90 degree adapter, then attach the line to the adapter before tightening all 6AN connections.
The line routing for the High Pressure Line (previous step) and Low Pressure Line(s) (next step) will be imperative to properly avoiding hot areas of the bay. The High Pressure Line will route down from the pump, as shown previously, then along the front side of the subframe. The lines will then go between the engine mount and the port side of the rack, and attach to the rack ports once passed through the gap of the subframe. If your rack is moved forward, you will route your lines around the far side (from the pump) of the engine mount entirely. Shown below is an example of this routing.
3. The last line will be the rack to reservoir return line. This line should be about 60" long, with a 90 degree fitting at each end. You will connect the 90 degree non-swivel end to the low pressure port on the rack using the supplied 16mm crush washer sealing fitting. Tighten the crush washer fitting into the rack then install the line to the fitting, final tighten all 6AN connections if not done already. The swivel end will then be connected to the smaller fitting on the bottom of the Power Steering Reservoir. Route this line along the same path as the High Pressure Line.
4. Once you have everything plumbed you will need to bleed the system. This is accomplished by jacking up the front of the vehicle so that the front wheels are not making contact with the ground. Fill the Reservoir halfway full with the fluid of your choice and go ahead and start the vehicle. Turn the steering wheel from lock to lock for 5-10 minutes or until there are no bubbles visible in the reservoir. Make sure to keep an eye on the fluid level and top it off as needed during the bleeding process, keeping the Reservoir half full.
The last step is to put the car back on the ground and take it for a drive long enough to get the power steering fluid up to operating temperature. Then park the vehicle and allow it to cool back to ambient temperature. This will bleed off any residual air that may be in the system.
R32 Power Steering Cooler Upgrade (CB-N-PS-PSC)
This installation covers the same lines and components that all Power Steering Kits with Optional Power Steering Coolers come with. Instead of 1x Low Pressure 6AN Return Line, you will be installing 2x Low Pressure 6AN Return Lines and mounting a Setrab 10 Row PS Cooler to the area below the US Drivers side Headlight. Mounting bracket and hardware will not be included.
See picture below!

R32 Power Steering Cooler Upgrade (CB-N-PS-PSC)
Start by locating a place to mount the cooler that clears the following (or more) parts in front of the car, usually between the AC condenser and FMIC:
- All FMIC piping if applicable
- Aftermarket bashbar or factory crash bar
- Front bumper material
- Factory tow hook
- No contact with the front wheels
1. The first line will be the Rack Outlet to Cooler line. That line should be about 42" long and have a 90 degree fitting at either end. You will connect the non-swivel end to the low pressure outlet port on the steering rack using a 16mm o-ring adapter fitting or 16mm crush washer adapter fitting. Make sure not to over-tighten this fitting, as the seal comes from the compression of the o-ring - not the seal of the aluminum fitting into the rack port. This fitting is not included in the Cooler Upgrade by itself, only the full Power Steering Kits. The other end of that line will be connected to the cooler. Route this hose forward, between the frame and the motor mount, out to the area underneath the headlight where the cooler will be located. This can either be reached by going through the front portion of the tub or the opening between the core support and radiator.
2. The last line will be the Cooler to Reservoir line. That line should be about 37" long and have a 90 degree fitting on one end and a straight fitting on the other end. You will connect the 90 degree end to the cooler and the straight end to the smaller fitting on the bottom of the Power Steering Reservoir. We recommend routing both hoses together and use p-clamps where necessary.